Diamond knots.
If you have no problems reading the above diagram, every thing is OK and you do not really need this page. If you are lost with the above knot, do not loose hope, there is a different way to tie this knot.
This way works with many knots and even when you understand the drawing reading this text can help you. It gives you an alternative way of tying knots. And a little help is never wrong.

Start with a crown knot. To keep things easy use this one. (If you need help click on the picture.) Work with four colours string, if you have them use the same as I did.

How to make....
In the picture below you see four coloured squares each with a black dot.
When you bring each string to the spot of its own colour, using the short route, and strait up through the knot, you have made a diamond knot.
In the second picture the strings are in the right position, (indeed already above the knot.)
When you straighten the strings you get the layout of the third picture.

In the next pictures I give a couple of other variations. The first is a crown knot over two, the coloured spots make you go under 1 before coming up again. This becomes a diamond knot over 2 under 1.
The next is the same knot but the colour spots make you passing under 2. This will become a diamond knot over 2 under 2.
The third is the crown knot the other direction. Here I made the spots all black, you can decide for yourself how many strings you pass before coming up. It is tradition to keep the direction of work the same but try and see what works.



As you can see in the next set of pictures, you can also use this trick with the wall knot, the diamond knot and knots with more strings.


A couple more variations. The crown knot with 8 strings over 3, the wall knot with 8 strings and the diamond knot with 8 strings.

Remember that this way of working with all strings the same colour can be confusing at times, even more with many strings. Try and see that every time you mastered one variation, the next seems easier. I did not give more than three steps. The last knot becomes an over 1-under 1-over 1 structure. Or the last goes over 2 or more if you want. But you can go on.
Tightening becomes harder and more important.



The 'how to make' can be found in the knots used, if you want by clicking on this button.

Back to start. one step backwards.
©Willeke 2002/2003