Take a long length of string, the wings take up a lot of string. If you want to give your butterfly a head, you start, like you did in the maggot, with the turks head knot four leads, three bights, double and tighten.
If you want a more life like animal you start here with just your string folded double.
Make a short four strand, round braid in the twist and splice back method, splice all the way back to the head.
Lay your string in the shape you want the wings to be, real live butterflies have two pairs of wings, planted in the front part of the body, butterfly images often have wings which are attached to the body along most of the length of that body. Make the wings you think are best. When you know where and how the wings will go, make the outline of the wings. At the end of the first wing you bring the string into the body and out at the other side. Make the outline of the wing at the other side before making the second set of wings.
If the string moves in the body you may fix it temperately with a safety pin.
Fill the wings, you find how when you click on the wing button at the bottom of this page.
Do one set of wings at a time, starting with the second set of wings. You may have to make more or less loops than there are in the drawings.
The ends are cut short, melted together and lost in the body.
Knots used
How to make... How to make... How to make... bigger butterfly more butterflies
turks head knot splicing back to a 4 braid filling a wing A bigger picture. More butterflies.
Back to start. one step backwards.
©Willeke 2003