Crown knot, reversed
This knot is a mirror image to the 'normal' crown knot, in this way you can make a reversed version of almost any knot.
Place your string on your worktop, like the spokes of a wheel, if you have a worktop with a hole in it you may put the rest of your work trough the hole.
Number the strings against the clock, the one in the nine o'clock position as number 1.
Take the number 1 string and put it over the number 2, and place in on the table, leaving a little loop at the arrow.
Now you take string 2 and bring it over string 3 (and automatically string 1) and place it on the table.
Number 3 string needs to do the same.
And string 4, but to get that one it has to go through the loop of string 1.
Tighten carefully, putting equal pressure on each string. One way to get them real tight is to place the thumb of one hand on the knot and tighten with the other hand.
In this knot about anything is a mirror image of the crown knot with the clock, but this knot is much like the other and they will combine very well.
You may repeat this knot as many times as you want or alternate directions.
Back to start. one step backwards.
©Willeke 2002